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Apollonia (Sahilkılınçlı)

Apollonia (Sahilkılınçlı)

It is an important Lycian city from the Lycian period on the Kekova road. It is 22 km away from Kas. According to the ruins, BC. IV. It was founded in the 21st century. The city was built on a cliff resembling the letter L. Some of the walls surrounding the city have survived. Lycian sarcophagi, Byzantine church, theater, the remains of a bath and a cistern are above the ground.

The ancient city of Corba, located in the Gökçeyazı district of our district, is from the Lycian period. There are many Lycian sarcophagi, water wells and ancient walls in the city. It is an ancient city that provides logistical support to the nearby ancient city of Kyenai.